Friday 12 May 2017


"As I read through the Dade County, Florida State Attorney’s 3/17/17 memorandum (hereinafter ‘State Attorney’s memorandum’) stating they’re not going to prosecute anybody for killing Darren Rainey, I noticed there was no reference to some very important records they should’ve obtained in the investigation into Rainey’s brutal murder.  I’m going to list those records and how they are relevant:
1)  The Dade County State Attorney should’ve obtained the Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) ‘Forced Hygiene Compliance Procedure’.  This FDC Procedure lists the specific actions all FDC staff must follow if an inmate refuses to shower.   Those who killed Rainey lied and said Rainey refused to shower on the night they killed him.  This procedure would show that the shower Rainey was placed in violated this procedure.  This procedure would show that the duty warden and psychiatrist at Dade C.I were both supposed to be contacted and told that Rainey was refusing to shower.  Nobody at Dade C.I. contacted the Dade C.I. duty warden and psychiatrist and told them that Rainey was refusing to shower.  This procedure says that a hand-held camera was supposed to be used to film Rainey from the time he was in his cell, removed from his cell and taken to the shower, all the time he was in the shower and when he was taken out of the shower and escorted back to his cell.  None of the foregoing happened on the night Rainey was killed.  This procedure says the duty warden on the night Rainey was killed was supposed to be present to supervise everything that happened when the forced hygiene compliance procedure was being instituted and followed with Darren Rainey.  The duty warden wasn’t in any way contacted on the night Rainey was killed and he wasn’t present for the foregoing.  This procedure says medical staff had to also be present to supervise everything that happened with Rainey from the time he was taken out of his cell to be placed in the shower, until after he showered and was placed back in his cell.  The Dade C.I. staff who killed Rainey didn’t follow any of this procedure on the night Rainey was killed because their intent was not to be lawful and follow the rules.  Their intent was to punish Darren Rainey for being a headache and not listening.  This procedure would’ve also refuted what Darren Rainey’s’ killers told the police that they were following the rules on the night they killed Rainey.
2)  The Dade County State Attorney should’ve obtained the FDC Environmental Health & Safety Manual.  This manual would’ve showed that the temperature of the water in this shower was supposed to not be able to get higher than 120°F.  The State Attorney’s memorandum shows that Dade C.I. Dixon tested the water in the shower Rainey was killed in at 160°F.  This manual would also show that the construction of the shower that was used to kill Rainey was unlawful in violation of the manual.
3)  The Dade County State Attorney should’ve obtained all the Incident Reports from the Dade C.I. TCU and asked the FDC for any Incident Reports that mentioned Darren Rainey’s name.  The foregoing would’ve proved that Darren Rainey and no other inmates who refused to shower was ever lawfully placed in the shower Rainey was killed in.  These Incident Reports would show that when inmates refused to shower and Dade C.I. staff followed the Forced Hygiene Compliance Procedure the inmates refusing to shower were always placed in regular showers in Wings J1 or J2.  Inmates were never placed in the shower in J3 that Rainey was killed in.
4)  The Dade County State Attorney should’ve obtained a copy of all the Housing Unit Logs for the Dade C.I. Westside TCU.  The Dade County State Attorney is aware of what Housing Unit Logs are because they have a copy of one as their Exhibit One.  These Housing Unit Logs would’ve showed that Rainey had no history of wiping faeces on himself or in his cell and he was never placed in a shower for refusing to shower other than the night he was killed.
Those who killed Darren Rainey told the police that the shower Rainey was killed in was a legal shower that was constructed to shower inmates that refused to shower and that Rainey had a history of refusing to shower and being placed in showers.  These are straight lies that Rainey’s killers told the police.  The Miami-Dade Police Department (MDPD) and Dade County Florida State Attorney didn’t do anything to investigate the foregoing lies of Rainey’s killers.  Why didn’t they?  Because if they would’ve investigated the Dade C.I. staff who killed Rainey’s lies and obtained the above records they would’ve proved Rainey’s killers were lying.  These records would’ve proved the shower was never constructed to shower inmates, the shower was illegal, no inmates who refused to shower were ever lawfully showered in it, that Rainey had no history of refusing to shower and that the only time Rainey was ever placed in that shower was on the night he was killed in that shower.
I advised the MDPD and Dade County, Florida State Attorney about the records listed above in sections 1 – 3 several times between 2012 and 2015, so they knew these records existed.  Likewise because the Dade County State Attorney has a Housing Log in the memorandum as Exhibit One this shows they know what Housing Logs are.  Accordingly the police and Dade County State Attorney knew these records existed and were relevant and they didn’t obtain them.  To me it is sad that the Dade County State Attorney and MDPD chose to not seriously investigate the Rainey murder and prosecute Rainey’s killers, but instead chose to try and cover up the murder.  Why did they do this?  The most logical answer I can think of is to them Darren Rainey was a poor, black, mentally disabled, Muslim prisoner and his life didn’t matter.
When you read our blogs we ask that you please share your thoughts with us.  We care about what you think.  Please share this blog with your friends and anybody you believe can help us with getting justice for Darren Rainey.  Please sign our petition at entitled THE LIFE OF BLACK, MENTALLY DISABLED MUSLIM PRISONER DARREN RAINEY DOES MATTER."
Harold Hempstead, a.k.a. Caged Crusader, Tennessee D.C., April 2017

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