Public message to Chris Drew, West Cornwall's Labour Party Candidate:
C.C: Andrew George, Liberal Democrat Party; Dick Cole, Mebyon Kernow Party; Amanda Pennington, Green Party. 2.6.2017

Dear Chis,
Tory policy is killing people in our country. As life-supporting services die back through engineered-austerity, we, the people die back.
This is why I am asking you to facilitate the defeat of this dehumanized and corrupt Party in our area in the most effective way possible.
It is commonly believed in St.Ives and the Isles of Scilly Constituency that Labour do not have the required support to get voted in in this area. Last year I joined Momentum with a very sincere wish to push the understanding of Socialism out into our community and actually spread this idea. I realized it would be a massive task. After a brief engagement with Momentum I became otherwise engaged... it had become clear to me that the local branch of the Socialist vanguard was not going to change the ideology of the area in any significant way whatsoever, despite noble intentions. The required foot-work was not done and West Cornwall has not collectively grasped the beauties of Social Living.
You know what I'm going to say, Chris, and I only say it because I believe our most vital common aim is to defeat the Conservative Party.
If we take the long term view, we might imagine two different scenarios... in one, you fight Derek Thomas the Conservative and lose by a margin that, had it gone to the Liberal Democrats, would have swung the balance and thrown the right-wing out of our area. In this version, you'll go down in history as 'Chris The Vote-Splitter' who saddled us with the Tories - cruel but true.
In the version that I'm proposing to you, you honourably step aside and tell all your supporters to vote for Andrew George, the Liberal Democrat this time round, as the single realistic tactic to defeat Derek Thomas, the dishonest right-wing Tory. In this version you will go down in history as a hero.
Think about it.
Use your own conscience. Use your natural authority to think as a free man. If you consult with your Party they are unlikely to agree with this proposal. You must follow your conscience and do what you think best, in you Heart of Hearts, to save us from Derek!
Of course, you must consult the Labour Party, as it would be unfair not to, however, ultimately you must consult your Heart.
I ask you this as a brother-socialist who will weep for joy if Corbyn gets in, I swear.
You must do what is right, Chris, you stand at the crossroads.
Jeremy Sch@nche
P.S. I'm asking that the named recipients of this message, if you can, please endorse it and also discuss this with Chris. Thank you very much. Let's defeat the Tories!
You gotta try these things....
Here's my article on Socialism with lots of links to the history of the Workers' movement.
Check out this brilliant book on Jeremy Corbyn by Rob Donovan - available now.
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