Friday, 28 April 2017


‘’ Since an FDC Inspector General’s report clearly says that the cameras malfunctioned on the night Rainey was killed and the Dade County Florida State Attorney says they have the footage, it is obvious that the FDC Inspector General’s Office lied.’’

Harold Hempstead, 
April Twenty Seventeen, Prison, Tennessee

The camera doesn't lie, they say, but the editor can work wonders with a hatchet and an interconnected web of woefully corrupt government departments backing him or her up....

I'm Jeremy Schanche, editor of The Limpet and this issue is dedicated to the latest statement from Harold Hempstead, who's the main witness in the Darren Rainey case. Please print out some copies and circulate them.  I also administrate Harold's own blog for him, where you can find an in-depth version of the above article and a constantly accumulating archive of extremely significant evidence. Please check it out..... 

Harold is posing a series of questions in his statements.  I do not see these as rhetorical in nature, but rather as very pressing questions we should all be discussing, particularly in the light of the right-wing regimes that are gaining ground in our age.  Or rather, to address the question of how to protect the light in the darkness of this age.....

Harold is reaching out to the people of the World with a timeless message - that it is right to stand up to evil whenever and wherever it occurs, but only by doing so with love, in unity with each other and with a true commitment to peace, can we hope to get anywhere.

He is trying to initiate a moral dialogue on the value of human existence - and he is very keen to hear your views.  Are the lives of some worth more than the lives of others?  Why not drop him a line and give him your views?  Harold is a Christian and Caucasian, but that doesn't stop him from crusading for the dignity and rights of a deceased Black Muslim brother - and something about that inspires me.  His message is one of Unity and surely now more than ever it's time for real unity if this World is going to make it.  

Thursday, 27 April 2017



In the end of 2014, Disability Rights Florida filed a 42 USC 1983 Civil Rights complaint lawsuit against Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) Secretary Michael Crews, FDC and Wexford Health Sources Inc.  This lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court, for the Southern District of Florida, Miami Division and assigned case number 1 : 14 – CV – 23323.
If you google ‘Pacer’ on the internet and go to the Pacer site, you can use the Pacer service to read this lawsuit and all the filings on it.  I ask that you please do this because if you do you’ll read the following:
The actual complaint that was filed in this class-action lawsuit mentions in some detail the shower in the Dade C.I. TCU that was used as a torturing device to punish mentally disabled inmates, it mentions the murder of Darren Rainey and it mentions how inmates were physically abused and denied food in the Dade C.I. TCU as a form of punishment.  I haven’t read this lawsuit in over a year, but I believe these are the only circumstances the lawsuit mentioned.
The court documents you read on this case will further show that the defendants (FDC Secretary, FDC, and Wexford Health Sources Inc.) in this lawsuit agreed to settle it with Disability Rights Florida in favour of Disability Rights Florida within a year of the lawsuit being filed.
A review of the settlement offer in this lawsuit will show that the changes the defendants agreed to make to the Dade C.I. TCU were the types of changes the defendants would of only agreed to if they knew the torturing and abuses mentioned in the actual lawsuit happened.  Please read this lawsuit, the filings in this lawsuit and the settlement.  You’ll see what I’m saying is accurate.
Now why would these defendants agree to settle a class action lawsuit and institute several changes in the Dade C.I. TCU that cost these defendants substantial money to institute, if the circumstances stated in the actual lawsuit were not true?  The answer to this question is obvious.  They wouldn’t have.  The FDC Secretary, FDC and Wexford Health Sources Inc. knew the shower was being used as a torturing device to punish mentally disabled inmates, these defendants knew that Darren Rainey was killed, these defendants knew mentally disabled inmates were being physically abused and denied food in the Dade C.I. TCU as a form of punishment;  and these defendants knew that the mentally disabled inmates in the Dade C.I. TCU were being subjected to cruel and unusual punishment.  The defendants knew these things were factual so they agreed to the settlement.
The settlement in the foregoing class action lawsuit was obtained in 2015.  The Dade County State Attorney had from 2012 till March 17, 2017 to find ways to twist all the evidence relating to abuse and torturing in the Dade C.I. TCU and the murder of Darren Rainey.
Isn’t it outrageous that the lawyers representing FDC’s Secretary, FDC and Wexford Health Sources, Inc. all knew there was enough evidence in this lawsuit to settle it in favour of those who sued them and the Miami Federal District Court accepted that settlement, based on the lawyers tacitly recognizing the evidence and agreeing to settle, but the Dade County State Attorney now tells the people of Florida and the World she’s not going to prosecute?  What is the obvious real reason why State Attorney Katherine Rundle decided to not prosecute Rainey’s killers?  It is the same reason her office has chose to not prosecute any law enforcement official for killing an African American in Dade County, Florida.  To simply state it:  Black Lives don’t Matter to Dade County State Attorney Ms Rundle.
I believe that it is obvious that the law enforcement officials in Dade County Florida know that if they unlawfully kill an African American they don’t have to worry about being prosecuted.  Dade County State Attorney Ms Rundle will protect them.
What is happening to the foundation our country was built on?  What is happening to our country?  You say, “well this stuff doesn’t affect me now.”  As things continue to get worse, you will one day be affected by the racism and hatred that is happening in these times.  Why don’t you, with peace, love and wisdom, take action now and maybe you won’t be affected?  I believe Black Lives and all Lives mater.  What do you believe and do your actions support what you say you believe?

Please share this blog with your friends and with anybody you believe can help us with getting justice for Darren Rainey and the mentally disabled at Dade C.I.  Please sign our petition at entitled THE LIFE OF BLACK, MENTALLY DISABLED MUSLIM PRISONER DARREN RAINEY DOES MATTER

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Origin Of Shower Treatment Dade C I Auschwitz Florida USA

Note - the following article, by Harold Hempstead, refers to Dade prison in Florida USA in Tweny Twelve - NOT the infamous nazi death-camp of the Nineteen Forties.  The fact that new arrivals to the Transitional 'Care' Unit of this Florida prison, where inmates were starved, tortured, and killed, were greeted by guards with the words 'welcome to Auschwitz' is purely coincidental.  
Jeremy Schanche, Editor.

Darren Rainey is led to his Death, FDC.
''Inmate Daniel Geiger was a severely mentally disabled inmate whose mental condition caused him to almost constantly make noise 24 hours a day.  A lot of inmates in the TCU didn’t like to be housed in cells near him because as loud as he was, it made it very hard for people in cells close to him to sleep.  The foregoing is what caused Dade C.I. TCU day-shift security staff to place Geiger in cells next to inmates they didn’t like and they were trying to get to sign out of the TCU.  Sleep deprivation caused most of the inmates in cells next to Geiger to ask to sign out of the TCU.

In the beginning of 2012, inmates MD and SL were housed in Wing J3.  Day shift security staff didn’t like them because they were very verbal and filed grievances on things they didn’t like.  Geiger was moved from Wing J1 to Wing J3 first as a tool to try to get MD to sign out of the TCU and then he was used to try and get SL to sign out.

When Geiger was placed in Wing J3, it immediately upset, to some degree or another, all the inmates housed in Wing J3.  It was a small wing and Geiger’s loudness could be heard easily through the whole wing.

In 2012 the officer who killed Darren Rainey was assigned as the wing officer for Wing J3.  Rainey’s killer use to talk to inmate KS who was housed in Wing J3 a lot.  KS wasn’t mentally disabled.  He manipulated his way into the TCU running from a disciplinary report he got at Columbia C.I.  Every shift that Rainey’s killer worked, he spent an hour or more discussing sports and rap music related issues with KS in front of KS’s cell.  The officer who killed Rainey worked on night shift.

When Geiger got placed in Wing J3, KS started telling the officer that killed Rainey, “if you take Geiger, place him in that shower upstairs and turn it on full hot, I’ll bet you he’ll stop yelling and making all that noise.”  After a few days of KS telling Rainey’s killer the foregoing, the officer tried it and it worked.  Within several minutes of Geiger being put in the shower he stopped yelling.

When the officer who killed Rainey seen that the shower treatment got Geiger to comply and listen to him, he realized he had a tool to get the most mentally disabled inmates in the TCU to comply with his orders.

Over the next several months that officer continued to use that shower as a torturing device to punish mentally disabled inmates that refused to comply with his orders.  Several inmates were placed in that shower. 

The fifth inmate that I witnessed be placed in that shower was Darren Rainey, who was killed in it.

The state and federal government have known the foregoing for years now.
Several months ago Daniel Geiger somehow died in the Transitional Care Unit (TCU) at Lake C.I. in the Florida Department of Corrections (FDC.)

Do mentally disabled peoples’ lives matter?  According to our history they don’t.  A lot of people in this World don’t care about them.  When are we going to start treating the mentally disabled like humans?  Do you think it’s right to abuse the mentally disabled?  Do you think the mentally disabled should be treated like humans?

Please share this blog with your friends and anybody you think can help us with getting justice for the mentally disabled who were abused, tortured and killed in the Dade C.I. TCU and for the murder of Darren Rainey.  Please sign our petition on entitled THE LIFE OF BLACK,MENTALLY DISABLED MUSLIM PRISONER DARREN RAINEY DOES MATTER

Caged Crusader''

'Miami Harold' Hempstead

Daniel Geiger


''As I’ve watched the events that have happened over these last several years, the only thing that I can say to African Americans is:  Watch Out – Your Lives Are In Danger.

As African Americans continue to get killed and the people that kill them are not prosecuted because the culprits are white, or the people involved with the investigation and/or prosecution of the case are racist, the people of America are seeing they can get away with killing African Americans.

You African Americans need to think about what I’m saying.  What type of statement is tacitly being made every single time an African American is killed and the culprit is not prosecuted?  The answer is obvious.  The statement that is being tacitly made is, that people can get away with killing African Americans.

America has been built on the backs of African Americans and I believe it’s time for African Americans to rise up in love and unity in mass peaceful protest which is a Constitutional Right of all American people.  This is the only way that I believe the African Americans of our great nation can show the people of our country and the World that Black Lives Matter and enough is enough.

If you think that African Americans can continue to be killed and the people who kill them not be prosecuted and that this is not sending out a statement that people can get away with killing African Americans please let me know!  If you believe that Black Lives Matter, please let me know.

Please share this blog with your friends and anybody you believe can help us with getting justice for Darren Rainey.  Please sign our petition on entitled THE LIFE OF BLACK, MENTALLY DISABLED MUSLIM PRISONERDARREN RAINEY DOES MATTER

Caged Crusader''


This latest message comes from Harold Hempstead, the man known as the Caged Crusader - he's the white guy pictured above, in the prison uniform.  The black man next to him is Darren Rainey, the guy who was killed in a specially constructed steam-chamber, in the mental-wing of a Florida prison in twenty twelve.  
There's going to be a lot more messages like this coming out on Harold's blog, but we need more people reading it and spreading the word - can you help?  
All the time people talk about Amerika and politics - please harness the energy of talk into some action, then you go from being an observer, commenting passively on a situation, to a participator, engaging actively in the World - and you'll grow from doing so.  Darren's dead and Harold's in prison - he's doing what he can, but is obviously restricted in his activities.  It's up to us so-called 'free' people to please do what we can to help these brave warriors behind bars who are engaged in a stark fight between good and evil.  If ever you've wanted to give your power to a cause, this is for you.  Harold's message is all about Humanity, all about Love and  Unity and, of course, it's all about Justice - Real Justice, which the People are quite capable of determining for themselves, once the truth of events is made fully known.
We believe that when a bright enough light is shone upon the 'Rainey case', the World is going to sit up and take notice - and Demand some Real Justice.  I fully believe this will happen in time - but with inmate-witnesses lives being in danger, time is of the very essence.
Please help my friend the Caged Crusader - he's a good man and he needs all the help he can get. He's not fighting for himself, but for all inmates, even for Humanity in general.  For the voiceless, the mentally disturbed who are locked away in Solitary and subjected to terrible sufferings.  Please add your light to our accumulation of light. Shine a light into the darkness.  Thank you brothers and sisters.

Y'all need to read this, if you haven't already done so.... it's a classic On The Duty Of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau - a book from the nineteenth century that has given me great inspiration and insight into the relationship between citizen and state.  The author was also a nature-mystic who wrote the book 'Walden' about when he lived in a hut in the woods - one of my heroes...

Monday, 24 April 2017

A Thousand Pounds Of Sadness

 “…as soon as I told him “I did all that I could do” it seemed like a big light turned on in my head that caused me to clearly see “I didn’t do enough to stop Rainey’s murder.”  As soon as this light turned on, and I realized I didn’t do enough, it felt like a thousand pounds of sadness fell upon me.  From that day on I realized that my failures led to somebody being killed.  From that day on I cried every day for hours a day for about a year.  Over that year I thought not only on how I didn’t do enough to stop Rainey from being killed, but I didn’t do enough to stop any of the starving, physical abuses and torturing I witnessed while in the Dade C.I. TCU.”
Harold Hempstead, April 2017, from his prison cell in Tennessee.
In his latest despatch from behind bars, ‘Caged Crusader’ talks of his feelings about the slaughter of the poor, black man, the prisoner, the ‘crazy man’, the Muslim, the drug-smoking street-man, our brother, Daren Rainey.
Harold has quite literally been through Hell over this.  He is driven by a need to witness and reveal the truth of this horror to the World.  Witnessing the crimes of prison-officers, while a prisoner himself, he is risking his life.  Do you think you could share this post?  Could you spread this post through other channels?  Are there people you know who would take an interest in something like this?  Human rights people, church people, political people, or just plain people?  Please help! 
Your friend,



After Darren Rainey was killed an officer on another shift asked me to tell him everything that happened on the night Rainey was killed.  When I got close to the end of the events that happened on that night, as soon as I told him “I did all that I could do” it seemed like a big light turned on in my head that caused me to clearly see “I didn’t do enough to stop Rainey’s murder.”  As soon as this light turned on, and I realized I didn’t do enough, it felt like a thousand pounds of sadness fell upon me.  From that day on I realized that my failures led to somebody being killed.  From that day on I cried every day for hours a day for about a year.  Over that year I thought not only on how I didn’t do enough to stop Rainey from being killed, but I didn’t do enough to stop any of the starving, physical abuses and torturing I witnessed while in the Dade C.I. TCU.
My FDC prison files will prove that I blamed myself for not doing enough so much that FDC staff at Everglades C.I. sent me to Regional Medical Center TCU to be analysed for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD.)
In my 41 years of living, there was only one time I had to fight for my sanity.  That was from about June 24, 2012 till June 12, 2013.  As a person brought up believing in the teachings of the Christian Bible, I understood how high God held the value of all human life and while I was in the Dade C.I. TCU, I believe my actions showed I didn’t do enough to stop the violence and killings.
I seen 3 inmates die that I knew (Darren Rainey, Oscar Davis, Darrel Richardson), I seen dozens of inmates denied their food trays, I seen inmates physically beat, I seen staff placing medicines and other substances in inmates’ food.  I seen these things done to inmates by the Dade C.I. staff I worked for and that God gave me as sheep to evangelize
Even though my daily crying for hours a day stopped in the beginning of June 2013, till this day I’ve never thought that I did enough to stop the murder of Darren Rainey and the violence in the TCU.  In an April, 2014 meeting with the Miami Herald, I told them I didn’t do enough.  In an April 2015 meeting with the DOJ and FBI, I stressed to them that I didn’t do enough.  During this discussion I couldn’t control my crying over my failures so they gave me a short break to get myself together.  In an April 2015 interview with a New Yorker magazine reporter and June 2015 interview via telephone with Miami Herald reporter Julie Brown, I told them I didn’t do enough, several articles cite me as saying I didn’t do enough. 
It is important for you to know all that I’ve said so far because this information will help you understand how I felt when I was first told that the Dade County State Attorney lied and said that I said I did all I could to stop Darren Rainey’s murder.  I was in utter shock that she would say something so far-fetched.  I still can’t properly express myself on this lie that her office made because of the shock that I have, that this of all things would be alleged.
There’s tremendous evidence to exist that proves I never thought I did enough to stop Rainey’s murder.  Yes, I know I was an inmate in the TCU and I could’ve been killed;  yes I know I couldn’t physically stop the abuse and yes I know I wasn’t obligated by state or federal law to stop Rainey’s murder or any abuse.  I know these things.  However, I also know that I and all Christians in the Bible are commanded to help those who can’t help themselves and I and all Christians are commanded to have courage and fear not.
I don’t know if the Dade County State Attorney has produced something false to support their lie or they’re just lying.  I do know that the Dade County has my diary in their possession and it shows that on June 24, 2012 (the day after Rainey was murdered) I stated in my diary I didn’t do enough to stop Rainey’s murder.  Also, the DOJ, FBI, my family and media have copies of that same diary so they also know the Dade County State Attorney lied.
I did what I could prior to his murder, but I beyond all doubt I didn’t do enough to stop Rainey from being killed.
The extent to which the Dade County State Attorney will go to to not prosecute a law enforcement official for killing an African American in Dade County Florida is shocking.
African Americans are people too and they should be treated like such. Do you believe African Americans should be treated like people?  Do you believe Black Lives Matter?
Please share this blog with your friends and anybody you think can help us with getting justice for Darren Rainey.  Please sign our petition on entitled THE LIFE OF BLACK, MENTALLY DISABLED MUSLIM PRISONERDARREN RAINEY DOES MATTER
Caged Crusader
- - - - - - - - - - - - 
In the interests of journalistic balance, I've also included a quote from a testimonial about State Attorney Rundle:
"State Attorney Fernandez Rundle prides herself in being a career crime fighter and has been relentless in her commitment to keep our streets safe. She is recognized as a pioneer in the creation of numerous programs dealing with issues that affect our community"

and you know it must be true, because I got it from her own personal website!
Despite spending a lot of dubious money on self-promotion, this DINO, this Democrat In Name Only seems to be admitting she can't handle the job.  How else are we to interpret this curious statement she made:  
"we are always faced with new challenges and our work is never done"
There you have it, folks...  their work is never done.

Thursday, 20 April 2017


Latest blog from Harold Hempstead in Tennessee:

"In 2010 or 2011 it was on the news that a man in central Florida was talking about burning a Koran on TV.  This became such a big issue that people across the World were commenting on it.  However, when the New Yorker magazine published an article in April 2016 entitled ‘Madness’,  and it mentioned Darren Rainey’s Koran being thrown in the trash, I didn’t hear any comments on it.  I’m not a Muslim but to me there are certain things that are right and certain things that are wrong.  To me, the man in 2010 or 2011 in central Florida that was talking about burning a Koran on TV was wrong.  To me, it was wrong for Dade Correctional Institution Staff to throw Darren Rainey’s Koran in the trash.  What do you think?  Do you think it’s wrong for a person to be disrespectful to another person’s religion by burning or throwing in the trash the primary religious book that person believes in?  Do you think it’s wrong that Dade Correctional Institution staff threw Darren Rainey’s Koran in the trash?  Do you think it’s wrong that Dade County State Attorney Ms Katherine Rundle said on March 17th, 2017 that she’s not going to prosecute Darren Rainey’s killers?  

Please share this blog with your friends and anyone you think can help us with getting justice for Darren Rainey.  Please sign our petition on entitled THE LIFE OF BLACK, MENTALLYDISABLED MUSLIM PRISONER DARREN RAINEY DOES MATTER
Caged Crusader"
Please see all the other info on Harold's own blog, Harold Hempstead Caged Crusader Wordpress Dot Com

Did Dade County State Attorney Katherine Rundle Say Black Lives Don’t Matter In Dade County, Florida?

They say actions speak louder than words and it’s my position that Ms Rundle stated Black Lives Don’t Matter in Dade County, Florida, when she held that she wasn’t going to prosecute Rainey’s killers.  I have the Dade County State Attorney Inter-Office Memorandum stating they aren’t going to prosecute and it’s packed with inconsistencies and misquoting of facts and evidence.   I’ve mentioned several of the many problems in the State Attorney’s foregoing document in other blogs I’ve written.
I personally don’t know why Ms Rundle chose the route she did when she could’ve just been honest and admitted that to her Darren Rainey’s life wasn’t worth the money it would cost to prosecute his killers.  Yes, Ms Rundle would’ve received a big backlash if she just clearly stated the foregoing truth, but she has in essence stated the same thing by her actions in not prosecuting Rainey’s killers.
It is my position that Ms Rundle’s history of not prosecuting law enforcement officials who unlawfully kill African Americans and not prosecuting Rainey’s killers should show the people of Dade County and the World, that Black Lives don’t Matter in Dade County, Florida.  I’m asking the people of Dade  County, Florida and everybody who’s reading this blog to prove that Black Lives Matter in Dade County, Florida.  It is obvious that Black Lives and all lives Matter to me.
I pray that everybody who’s reading this blog join together in unity and peace and that we all do what we can to show the people of the World that even though Ms Rundle doesn’t think Black Lives Matter in Dade County, Florida, that Black Lives do Matter in Dade County, Florida, and all over the World.
Please share this blog with your friends and anybody you think could help us with getting justice for Darren Rainey.  Please sign our petition on  The Life of Black, Mentally Disabled Muslim Prisoner Darren Rainey Does Matter

Caged Crusader

Thursday, 13 April 2017


For years I have known that the quest my sister (Windy Hempstead) and I have set out on to obtain justice for the murder of poor, black, mentally disabled, Muslim, prisoner Darren Rainey was going to be a hard one.  Why?  Because I’ve learned throughout my life that most people in this World don’t believe the lives of certain people have the same value/worth as others.  Most people discriminate or are racist against certain races and groups and the people they discriminate against or are racist against, they place below themselves and put a lesser value on their lives.  Out of the 6 classes of people I can think of that are most disliked in America (especially the South) Darren Rainey fit into 5 of the 6 groups.  Poor people, African American people, mentally disabled people, Muslim people and prisoners are 5 of the 6 most disliked peoples in America.  Rainey was a poor, black, mentally disabled, Muslim, prisoner and that is why my sister (Windy) and I knew this would be a hard fight.  I think what people are failing to see is that the fight for justice for Rainey is not just a fight for Rainey, it’s a fight for the value of life;  it’s a fight to show that all life has value;  it’s a fight for all poor people, all black people, all mentally disabled people, all Muslim people and all prisoners.  Will you please join Windy, Jeremy and me in this fight for the value of life?  Just like your life has value, Rainey’s life has value, and all life has value.  I’m asking that you please send emails to Alicia Garza, Rev. Al Sharpton of The National Action Network, Rev. Jesse Jackson of The Rainbow Push Coalition and any member of the Black Lives Matter movement you know and ask them for help in obtaining justice for the murder of Darren Rainey.

Please share this blog with your friends and anybody you think could help us in obtaining justice for the murder of Darren Rainey.  Please sign our petition on

Caged Crusader
Here's something practical anyone can do:  Print out some of these flyers and start passing them around.  Tell people about what happened to Darren Rainey and help Harold Hempstead with his long struggles to shine the light of public knowledge onto some very dark events in the Florida prison system.   These flyers are for the petition drafted by the 'Caged Crusader' calling for the murder of Darren Rainey to be investigated at the highest level:
Free Speech Poster 
Jeremy Schanche interviewed by Cat Watters, People's Internet Radio, NYC, on the film of Harold Hempstead's evidence affidavit on the events of 23rd June, 2012 at Dade Correctional Institution, Transitional Care Unit where Mr Rainey died. 

Here's the film I made

Last year I interviewed Harold Hempstead and I was very interested by what he said about his beliefs on the value of human life.  Harold is a Christian and although I am looking at the World through a different philosophy, I am in agreement with him on many things.  I'm inspired by his respect for all human life, as I think it's the best way for humans to view each other.  Darren Rainey was of the Muslim faith, but this in no way stopped Harold from dedicating himself to helping Rainey.  

On 17th March 2017, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle released the official report on Darren Rainey's death - in my opinion it's a pack of lies.  When you compare it to The Huffington Posts' article discussing the forensic evidence, you'd think they were describing two different events.

This is a fight for the value of all human life - please join us.  Many people have already given years of work to this struggle,   Inmate-witnesses risking brutal retaliation for speaking out, journalists who've looked into this case and uncovered a pattern of corruption and suspicious custody-deaths, civil-rights lawyers and human rights groups challenging the legality of the state's actions, religious groups witnessing the truth and spreading the word and the independent activists working on the case in different capacities, some of whom I know give so much of themselves to this kind of work.  

Though the above groups are approaching the case of Darren Rainey's death from differing perspectives, I believe there is a common unity of purpose, a shared motivation of outrage at an act of extreme barbarity that simply cannot be tolerated or excused away.  I see the death of Darren Rainey as a historic turning-point.  In a World that is sadly so accustomed to cruelty and murder, the nature of  Mr Rainey's death was so inhuman that it seemed to signify and symbolize all the killings we've been hearing about in these times.  If Darren Rainey's death becomes the focus of a continuing and growing movement for justice, then his brutal killing will take on far more significance than it already has.  

There's many ways people can contribute to this cause.  Follow the Caged Crusader's blog, to study the evidence and keep informed of new statements and reports.  Print out and display the above posters in public, or, even better, make your own.  In the electronic age, where people are conditioned to get their information through a screen, a poster on a wall has more impact than ever.  In dry countries, posters can be glued to walls with PVA glue using a house-painting brush.  If you live in Britain, lamination is advisable.  
If you are a US citizen you can raise this issue with your representatives.  Non-US citizens are of course free to email the black Civil Rights leaders mentioned above, asking them to add their support to the movement for justice for Darren Rainey.  
Raising awareness of this issue with human rights and religious groups in your own country would also be very helpful.  This will gradually increase the pressure on US authorities to treat this crime seriously.  There is already a federal investigation looking into the death of Darren Rainey, but with an extreme reactionary racist like Sessions for Attorney General, US justice is going to need all the help it can get from the public.  I think we can all see clearly which direction the new regime is pushing the USA towards.  You certainly hear people talking about it enough - well why not do something about it?  Get involved with the movement for justice, get involved with the resistance and show those in power that they will not crush our humanity.  Do it for Darren Rainey.

Sunday, 9 April 2017


The following statement was written by Harold Hempstead, the 'Caged Crusader' of Florida, from a prison in Tennessee on 2nd April, 2017 and first published today on his blog - 

Question:  Was there any evidence of intent to harm Darren Rainey?

Dade County State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle says “No.”

What does the evidence show?
1)  Several inmates said the water in the shower Rainey was murdered in got very, very hot.  Some said the water temperature in the shower exceeded 180°.  Several inmates said Dade C.I. staff placed inmates in the shower as punishment, and staff use to turn the water on full hot with no cold while the inmates were in it.  Several inmates also said they were placed in the shower as punishment.  This was the same shower Rainey was killed in.

2)  The Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) has a procedure called ‘Forced Hygiene Compliance Procedure.’  If Rainey wiped feces on himself and was refusing to shower, Dade C.I. staff were required to follow this procedure.  They didn’t follow this procedure because their intent was to harm Rainey and not to help him, because he was being a headache to them.  This procedure required them to get approval from the Duty Warden and Psychiatrist before placing Rainey in the shower, staff would’ve had to use a hand-held video camera to record all their actions and Rainey’s actions while doing Forced Hygiene Compliance and the Duty Warden and a nurse would’ve had to been present through the whole process.  These things would’ve prevented Dade C.I. staff from placing Rainey in the shower they placed him in to punish him and that eventually killed him.

3)  Rainey wasn’t placed in any of the 6 operating showers in Wing J1 where he was housed.  He was placed in a shower in another wing that he wasn’t housed in, on a night inmates in the TCU weren’t supposed to be in any showers.  He was placed in the only operating shower in the TCU that was in a blind-spot, that mounted security cameras in Wing J3 couldn’t view.

4)  Dade C.I. staff who tested the water in the shower Rainey was killed in said the water temperature exceed 180° which was approximately 55 to 60° hotter than what FDC’s Environmental Health and Safety Manual mandated it could be.  There was no lawful or logical reason for the water temperature in the shower Rainey was murdered in to be so hot.  The only possible reason it was so hot was to punish mentally disabled inmates that refused to follow staffs’ orders.

5)  Rainey was unsupervised and in the shower for approximately 2 hours as a form of punishment.

6)  If staff were trying to shower Rainey, how come they placed him in the only shower in the TCU that he could avoid the water in?  Rainey wouldn’t have been able to avoid the water in any of the ten other working showers in the TCU.  The obvious and only possible reason Rainey was placed in the only shower in the TCU that he could avoid the water in was because he wasn’t placed in that shower to shower.  Rainey was placed in that shower as punishment and that is why he was placed in the only shower in the TCU that reached temperatures in excess of 180°. 

7)  Officer Roland Clarke or any of the other Dade C.I. staff didn’t take Rainey out of the shower even though he continued to yell and kick the shower door asking to get out (because of how hot it was in the shower.)  If they weren’t trying to harm him they would’ve took him out of the shower when he was pleading to get out of the shower.

8)  In the state’s own report that I have, Dade C.I. staff and medical staff that were working on the night Rainey was murdered said his skin was burned.

9)  Dade C.I. Captain Dixon who tested the water temperature in the shower (according to the State Attorney) said the water was tested at 160 degrees.

How many times have the people of America heard obvious lies and twisting of facts by those who don’t want to prosecute when a black man is killed by a law enforcement official?  It is a sad thing that Dade State Attorney Ms Rundle has chose to not uphold justice but instead let Rainey’s killer (Roland Clarke) go free.

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Caged Crusader

State Agents Witnessed Slippage Heat Damage Darren Rainey Shower Murder

The following is a copy of what Harold Hempstead has just asked me to post to his blog:
Harold Hempstead Caged Crusader Wordpress
The information was dated 2nd April, 2017, received by me on 8th April and published the following day.

Here are some of the many important facts that appear in the Dade County State Attorney’s 3/17/17 inter-office memorandum stating they’re not going to prosecute anybody for murdering Darren Rainey:

Pg.9:  Ofc.s Clarke and Thompson, Nurse Patino and Lt. Lopez (Miami Dade Fire Rescue) all said that Rainey’s body had red areas and skin slippage or coming off and some further advised that, in their opinion, he had possibly sustained burns while in the shower.

Pg.18  Dade C.I. Nurse Patino said when the shower was off the night Rainey was murdered, steam was in the shower, Rainey’s skin was peeling off and his body felt hot.

Pg.19  Dade C.I. Nurse Robinson said that she went to the shower when Darren Rainey was dead in it and the shower room felt warm and steamy.  She also said Rainey had skin slippage.

Pg.20  Dade C.I. Nurse Wilson said that she seen Rainey’s body directly after he was killed and it appeared red and wrinkled.  She told the 911 operator on the night Rainey was murdered that Rainey’s body appeared to be burned.  Nurse Wilson noticed skin slippage on Rainey also.

Pg.21  Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Lieutenant Alexander Lopez who seen Rainey’s body on the night he was killed said he appeared to have burns and skin slippage on certain parts of his body.

Pg.49  Dade C.I. Dixon stated she tested the water temperature in the shower Darren Rainey was killed in 2 days after Rainey was killed and the thermometer read 160°F.

According to the Dade County State Attorney’s memorandum, the officer who placed Rainey in the shower (and Ofc.Thompson) on the night Rainey was killed said Rainey’s skin was slipping off, he had red areas on his body, and he possibly sustained burns.  Why would they say this unless they knew the water Rainey was in was very hot?  If any staff tested the water before putting Rainey in it there would’ve been no reason to think Rainey’s body was burned.  The only logical reason why Ofc.s Clarke and Thompson said Rainey’s body appeared to be burned was because they just had Rainey in a very hot shower for a long time and they knew that’s what made his skin look burned.

Other than what these 2 officers said, nurses Patino, Robinson, Wilson who all seen Rainey’s body on the night he was killed said his body appeared to be burned, his skin was slipping off him, his skin was red and wrinkled, his body felt hot, and steam was in the shower he was killed in.  These 3 nurses are trained medical providers that have specialized training and experience with the human body.  They all seen Rainey’s body directly after he was killed.  Did they all lie about what they seen?  Of course not.  They told the truth.

The same applies to Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Lieutenant Lopez who seen Rainey’s body on the night he was killed.  He said Rainey appeared to have burns and skin slippage on certain parts of his body.  Did he lie?  Of course not.  He told the truth. 

Why was Rainey’s skin in the condition these state officials said it was in on the night Rainey was killed?  Dade C.I. Captain Dixon tells us why:  Because the shower water in the shower Rainey was killed in was tested at 160°F.

Did I or somebody else convince these state officials named herein to make these statements?  Of course not.  The state doesn’t try to twist these state officials’ statements and say somebody manipulated them to make these statements (like they did with the inmate witnesses.)  Instead the state uses the Dade County Medical Examiners statement to try and refute these state officials’ statements.  In other words, to say they were mistaken.  Were these 2 Officers, 3 Nurses, and Fire Rescue Lieutenant all wrong about what they seen or were they all right?  I believe it is only logical to say they were all right.  I believe that the reason why it took so long for the Medical Examiner to come back with her far-fetched findings was because she had to search long and hard to refute what these state officials seen and what Darren Rainey’s body proved.  These state officials gave stronger statements than what I did about Rainey dying in a hot torturing-devise shower. 

There is corruption in this case at the highest level. Why?  Because Dade County doesn’t want to spend the money it’d cost to prosecute Rainey’s killers.  Rainey wasn’t worth that amount of money to them.  Why wasn’t he?  Because he was a poor, black, mentally disabled Muslim prisoner and Black Lives Don’t Matter In Dade County.

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Caged Crusader