Wednesday 7 November 2018


Pushing through the market square, so many mothers sighing
News had just come over, we had five years left to cry in
News guy wept and told us, earth was really dying
Cried so much his face was wet, then I knew he was not lying

From "Five Years" by David Bowie - 1972
The latest warning from the World-s most eminent climate scientists is by far the most dire yet and essentially says that we have 12 years to contain temperature-rise to a one and a half degree Celsius increase or  face harrowing consequences for natural life on this planet (and that includes us!)  
There-s a lot of pessimistic talk in the media along the lines that people are too divided and individualistic to tackle this threat to our future-survival - Obviously if we give in to a negative attitude to this terrible problem we will have no chance whatsoever of tackling it - Alternatively - with serious cooperation and effort from all of us - there is still time to limit the damage mankind has already done to the planet Earth -
It-s time for us all to take an extremely good look at the way we live and start making the changes necessary to keep down the temperature-increase to one point five - if we want to leave our kids a planet that is not tragically degraded and sick beyond hope of healing -
In a related issue Britain-s Guardian newspaper is suggesting that Stratospheric Aerosol Injection "might be used in the future" to combat climate-change - This statement is disingenuous however as in reality large areas of the World are already subject to this highly controversial procedure commonly called "chem-trails" - they can be seen over Cornwall and numerous areas of Britain and elsewhere - See The Limpet-s previous coverage of this issue here

Among the many things you can do to personally combat climate-change are using less energy at home - for instance turn off lights when not in use - -  Drive as little as possible - give lifts when you do and share transport - -   Avoid wasting food -  grow as much of your own food as possible - -  Buy and consume as little as possible - -  Germinate and raise some trees - you don-t need land to do this - there is always somewhere to plant them - just make sure they can flourish undisturbed - -  Have discussions with everyone you know about these issues and keep them in the public-focus - -  Best of all - think up your own ways and methods -
It-s up to you -

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