Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Concerning the torturer, the killer, the cop. Officer Roland Clarke of Miami Gardens Police Department examined.

Officer Roland Clarke

That Roland Clarke should get away with murder, torture, poisoning, battery and other grave abuses of the civil and human rights of his charges is deeply disturbing and casts a dark shadow over Florida’s already troubled justice-system.
That he should find employment as a policeman after leaving the prison-service is a mockery of justice and should be a matter of deep concern to the people of Miami Gardens, whose streets he is currently patrolling.
For the first six months of 2012, Roland Clarke was working as a prison-guard at Florida’s deadliest prison, Dade Correctional Institute.  Dade is one of the prisons that features a “mental hospital” within its walls, this is known as the Transitional Care Unit.  It was here that inmate-orderly Harold Hempstead witnessed mentally-disturbed inmates being starved to death by denial of meals, as well as numerous other violations of the inmates’ civil rights.  In January 2012 Clarke started using a specially-adapted shower to torture inmates into subjugated compliance.  These inmate-patients were very deeply disturbed people, many of whom had committed extremely serious offences including murder.  They were housed in solitary cells and subjected to harrowing conditions, some of them were “troublesome” for the guards, particularly the more noisy ones who would not stop shouting and disturbing the other inmates and staff.  After initially testing the shower-torture on a schizophrenic named Daniel Geiger and finding it induced compliance, Roland Clarke and other staff continued using the shower on various other prisoners.
On 23rd June, 2012, the black, Muslim inmate Darren Rainey was placed in the torture-shower by Roland Clarke after a dispute which resulted in Darren Rainey’s Koran being destroyed by prison-guards.   After over one and a half hours in the shower Darren Rainey, # 060954, was found dead with much of his skin detached from his body.  The white, Christian prisoner, Harold Hempstead was in a cell just below the shower and witnessed the events.  He has written a book about all this, called “Department of Corruption.  Darren Rainey.  The Untold Story.”  and also has a website with a vast body of evidence on it concerning the Rainey-case and related matters. 
Five years later, when the sham-investigation and woefully corrupt judicial proceedings were completed and published (and Hempstead was assaulted by guards and transported over the border to a prison in Tennessee) Roland Clarke and his colleagues were found to have done “no wrongdoing.”
Clarke is currently going about his police-business in the streets of Miami Gardens while Hempstead sits in a cell in Tennessee, serving out his fabricated sentence of 165 years, writing constant witness statements, affidavits, letters and now books.   In this latest blog Harold challenges the Mayor of Miami Gardens to investigate just what kind of a policeman he has in Officer Clarke…..

"To: Oliver G. Gilbert III, Mayor,
18605 Northwest 27th Avenue,
Miami Gardens,
Florida 33056.
I authored a book named “Department of Corruption.  Darren Rainey.  The Untold Story.”  This book can be located at or
In my book I explain the following facts concerning Miami Gardens Police Officer Roland Clarke:
1) I personally knew him between 2010 and May 2014 when he was a security officer at Dade Correctional Institution. 
2) For a six-month period I witnessed Roland Clarke use a shower that reached temperatures in excess of 160 degrees as a torturing device to punish mentally-disabled inmates.  Darren Rainey was the fifth mentally-disabled inmate that Roland Clarke placed in the hot water shower.  
3) I witnessed the June 23rd, 2012, murder of Darren Rainey.
4) During the years that I knew Roland Clarke, I also witnessed him physically abuse inmates, poison their food with foreign substances such as medicines, laxatives, urine and feces;  and lie to his supervisors concerning his misconduct and the misconduct of other staff who worked with him.
In my book I also provide substantial facts showing that Roland Clarke murdered Darren Rainey.
Finally my book explains that covert recordings were obtained of Roland Clarke in 2013 and 2014 admitting to using the hot water shower as a torturing-device to punish mentally-disabled inmates and to murdering Darren Rainey.
The citizens of Miami Gardens have a right to expect that the law-enforcement officers, who are payed tax-payer’s money to protect them, not be murders with a history of violating the civil rights of people under his authority.
Polygraph test and voice-stress test are admissible in administrative proceedings.
As mayor of Miami Gardens you have the authority to direct that officer Roland Clarke receive a polygraph test or voice-stress test about murdering Darren Rainey, his history of using a shower that reached temperatures in excess of 160 degrees to punish mentally-disabled inmates, and his history of violating the civil-rights of individuals.  Will you please direct that officer Roland Clarke receive a polygraph test or voice-stress test about these matters?
Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact me if I can be of any assistance.
Harold Hempstead (Signature)  2/9/19
Harold Hempstead, # 577366,
Northeast Correctional Complex,
P.O. Box 5000,
Mountain City,
Tennessee 37683-5000"
Roland Clarke leading Darren Rainey to his death.
Darren Rainey

Fascistic Universal Credit Kills

Such a depressing subject, I can't bear to say too much about it just now.......

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Cops Plant Marijuana

Sativa Strains Reviews | Swami's Medical Marijuana ...
Who would know more about police-corruption than someone who had worked for them since the age of 13?  Who would be more informed about the way the Florida police ruin the lives of innumerable, innocent, mostly Black or Latino citizens, with the policy of "fitting them up" on false drug charges?  The author of the following official complaints was recruited by St.Petersburg Police Department as an immature youth, for purposes of infiltrating highly dangerous criminality, which involved guns, cocaine, multiple pounds of marijuana etc.  
I expect it is quite easy to pull in a youth for questioning over a petty theft or similar matter, then pile on the pressure until they agree to go undercover and work as as police-spy.  In the case of Harold Hempstead, they certainly managed to find a vulnerable family to exploit, as his father had died and his mother was spending spells in psychiatric care while the children were young.  Having got involved with undercover police-work, Harold's problems started after he exposed police-corruption and misconduct.  Eventually he was sentenced to 165 years in prison for allegedly leading a conspiracy to burgle various  empty houses.  Due to a dubious "motion in limine" the judge was able to effectively suppress a lot of evidence that was vital to Harold's defence - including the little fact that he was working for the cops when arrested.  The very same cops who testified against him at  his medieval-style trial.  
Trained as a Confidential Informant from childhood, trained to collect evidence in a methodical way, imprisoned for 165 years by a corrupt judiciary, witness and whistle-blower to the torture-murder of Darren Rainey and the torture and death by starvation of various convicts in the Florida Department of Corrections, Harold Hempstead eventually rose to a kind of fame as the "Caged Crusader" who was awarded for Bravery for his advocacy in the Darren Rainey murder case.  During his years behind bars, in the nightmare world of US prisons, Harold became a born-again Christian and is one of the most religious and spiritual people I have ever encountered.  His advocacy for Darren Rainey and the others was all done at the risk of his life and I think he got his nickname of the Crusader because nothing, even the threat of death, will stop him speaking out for what is right.
Following the publication of his second book, detailing his juvenile police-work, Harold is publicly exposing some of the corruption he encountered in his earlier years.  A study of his writings will show a systematic pattern of racially-profiled arrests, often on spurious evidence. 
It will be interesting to see the reaction of the St.Petersburg Police Department to the statements accusing them of gross corruption.  I will happily publish any response the police care to give.  I do not believe in censorship.  Free speech is at the very heart of democracy, and considering the incredible sacrifices some people, like Florida's "Caged Crusader" have made for its sake, the least we can do is give a fair hearing to what others have to say, no matter how disagreeable some of it may be.  
Jeremy Schanche, 4th May, 2019.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -      
Attention:  Internal Affairs Division
1300 First Avenue North
St Petersburg,  Florida, 33705.
Subject of Complaint:  Former St Petersburg Police Officer Mike Brown
I authored a book entitled “Used And Abused By The St.Petersburg Police Department.”   My book can be located at or
In my book I explain in detail how I know from personal knowledge that former St.Petersburg Vice and Narcotics Detective Mike Brown was behind setting up Michael Ashmead of St.Petersburg, Florida, with a frivolous felony sales and possession of marijuana charge in 1992.
Additionally, I explain how St.Petersburg Vice and Narcotics Detectives James Mosely and Jim Haley engaged me in conversations in 1998 asking me to aid them in setting up Jose Cortes of Tampa, Florida, on drug charges.
Finally, in my book, I also explain how I was subjected to retaliation and censured for previously trying to expose misconduct by these detectives.
From personal knowledge I know that several St.Petersburg Police Department Vice and Narcotics Detectives were involved with setting up numerous individuals with false drug charges in the nineteen nineties.
Presently, dozens, if not hundreds of individuals, have been arrested and are possibly incarcerated on false drug charges, who were set-up by St.Petersburg Police Department Vice and Narcotics Detectives.
I’m requesting that you conduct administrative, civil rights and criminal investigations into the pattern and practice of St.Petersburg Police Department Vice and Narcotics Detectives setting people up on false drug charges. I also request that appropriate action be taken against any detectives involved with the violations mentioned in this complaint.
Finally, I request that you ask the Federal Bureau of Investigations and Department of Justice to investigate the pattern and practice of St.Petersburg Police Department Vice and Narcotics Detectives setting-up individuals with false drug charges.
Unnotarized Oath:
Under penalty of perjury, I swear that everything stated herein is true and correct.
Dated this 7 day of February, 2019.
Affiant: (Signature appears here on original document)
Harold Hempstead, #577366,
Northeast Correctional Complex,
P O  Box 5000,
Mountain City,  TN 37683-5000.
Attorney for Harold Hempstead:
John Trevena
801 West Bay Drive
Largo, Florida 33770
John Trevena
Kathryn Varn
Craig Patrick
Meg O’Connor
Rick Kriseman
Jeremy Schanche
Harold Hempstead, #577366

Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission
P.O. Box 1489
Tallahassee, Fla.,32302 – 1489
Subject of Complaint:  Former St Petersburg Police Office Mike Brown
I authored a book entitled “Used And Abused By The St.Petersburg Police Department.”   My book can be located at or
In my book I explain in detail how I know from personal knowledge that former St.Petersburg Vice and Narcotics Detective Mike Brown was behind setting up Michael Ashmead of St.Petersburg, Florida, with a frivolous felony sales and possession of marijuana charge in 1992.
Additionally, I explain how St Petersburg Vice and Narcotics Detectives James Mosely and Jim Haley engaged me in conversations in 1998 asking me to aid them in setting up Jose Cortes of Tampa, Florida, on drug charges.
Finally, in my book, I also explain how I was subjected to retaliation and censured for previously trying to expose misconduct by these detectives.
From personal knowledge I know that several St.Petersburg Police Department Vice and Narcotics Detectives were involved with setting up numerous individuals with false drug charges in the nineteen nineties.
Presently, dozens, if not hundreds of individuals, have been arrested and are possibly incarcerated on false drug charges, who were set-up by St.Petersburg Police Department Vice and Narcotics Detectives.
I’m requesting that you conduct administrative, civil rights and criminal investigations into the pattern and practice of St.Petersburg Police Department Vice and Narcotics Detectives setting people up on false drug charges. I also request that appropriate action be taken against any detectives involved with the violations mentioned in this complaint.
Finally, I request that you ask the Federal Bureau of Investigations and Department of Justice to investigate the pattern and practice of St.Petersburg Police Department Vice and Narcotics Detectives setting-up individuals with false drug charges.
Unnotarized Oath:
Under penalty of perjury, I swear that everything stated herein is true and correct.
Dated this 7 day of February, 2019.
Affiant: (Signature appears here on original document)
Harold Hempstead, #577366
Northeast Correctional Complex
P O  Box 5000
Mountain City,  TN 37683-5000
Attorney for Harold Hempstead:
John Trevena
801 West Bay Drive
Largo, Florida 33770
John Trevena
Kathryn Varn
Casey Frank
Julie Brown
Craig Patrick
Meg O’Connor
Rick Kriseman
Jeremy Schanche
Marijuana decriminalization takes off in more cities ...

Friday, 3 May 2019

Sexual misconduct of Detective Mike Brown, SPPD

Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County, 4155 58th Street North, Clearwater, Florida 33760.

Florida Department of Children and Families, Attn:  Child-Abuse Investigations Division, 525 Mirror Lake Drive, St.Petersburg, Florida 33701.

Child Advocacy Services, P.O. Box 10970, St.Petersburg, Florida 33733.

Help A Child Inc. 4000 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 200, Pinellas Park, Florida 33782.

Mary Lee’s House, 2806 North Armenia Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33607.

Suncoast Centre, Inc. (Child Protection) 2960 Roosevelt Blvd., Clearwater, Florida 33760.

I authored a book entitled “Used And Abused By The St Petersburg Police Department.”   My book can be located at or
In my book I explain in some detail how I witnessed a juvenile boy giving former St Petersburg Police Officer Mike Brown oral sex at the St Petersburg Police Athletic League and how Mike Brown had a history of pulling his penis out of his pants and shorts and urinating in front of children.
I was also advised that Mike Brown was behind trying to sexually abuse at least one juvenile girl.
Dozens of children could’ve been sexually abused by Mike Brown.
In my book I also explain how I was previously subjected to retaliation and censured for trying to expose Mike Brown’s sexual misconduct.
I request that you conduct administrative and criminal investigations into Mike Brown’s sexual misconduct and into any actions taken by his supervisors to cover-up his sexual misconduct and that you take appropriate action against Mike Brown and his supervisors for their misconduct.
I also request that you ask the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Department of Justice to investigate Mike Brown’s criminal and civil-rights violations and any actions taken by his supervisors to cover-up his sexual misconduct.
Unnotarized Oath
Under penalty of perjury, I swear that everything stated herein is true and correct.
Dated this 12 day of February, 2019.
Affiant: (signature appears here on original document)
Harold Hempstead, #577366,  Northeast Correctional Complex,  P.O.  Box 5000,  Mountain City, Tennessee 37683-5000
Attorney for Harold Hempstead:
John Trevena, 801 West Bay Drive, Largo,  Florida, 33770.
John Trevena
Kathryn Varn
Casey Frank
Julie Brown
Craig Patrick
Meg O’Connor
Rick Kriseman
Jeremy Schanche
 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
To:  St.Petersburg Police Department
Attention:  Internal Affairs Division
1300 First Avenue North
St Petersburg, Florida, 33705.
I authored a book entitled “Used And Abused By The St Petersburg Police Department.”  My book can be located at or
In my book, I explain in some detail how I witnessed a juvenile boy giving former St Petersburg Police Officer Mike Brown oral sex at the St Petersburg Police Athletic League and how Mike Brown had a history of pulling his penis out of his pants and shorts and urinating in front of children.
I was also advised that Mike Brown was behind trying to sexually abuse at least one juvenile girl.
Dozens of children could’ve been sexually abused by Mike Brown.
In my book I also explain how I was previously subjected to retaliation and censured for trying to expose Mike Brown’s sexual misconduct.
I request that you conduct administrative and criminal investigations into Mike Brown’s sexual misconduct and into any actions taken by his supervisors to cover-up his sexual misconduct.
I also request that you ask the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Department of Justice to investigate Mike Brown’s criminal and civil-rights violations and any actions taken by his supervisors to cover-up his sexual misconduct.
Unnotarized Oath
Under penalty of perjury I swear that everything stated herein is true and correct.
Dated this 7 day of February, 2019.
Affiant: (signature appears here on original document)
Harold Hempstead, #577366, Northeast Correctional Complex ,P O  Box 5000, Mountain City, Tennessee 37683-5000
Attorney for Harold Hempstead:
John Trevena, 801 West Bay Drive,  Largo,  Florida, 33770.
John Trevena
Kathryn Varn
Casey Frank
Julie Brown
Craig Patrick
Meg O’Connor
Rick Kriseman
Jeremy Schanche
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission
P.O. Box 1489
Tallahassee, Fla.,32302 – 1489
Subject of Complaint:  Former St Petersburg Police Office Mike Brown
I authored a book entitled “Used And Abused By The St Petersburg Police Department.”   My book can be located at or
In my book I explain in some detail how I witnessed a juvenile boy giving former St Petersburg Police Officer Mike Brown oral sex at the St Petersburg Police Athletic League and how Mike Brown had a history of pulling his penis out of his pants and shorts and urinating in front of children.
I was also advised that Mike Brown was behind trying to sexually abuse at least one juvenile girl.
Dozens of children could’ve been sexually abused by Mike Brown.
In my book I also explain how I was previously subjected to retaliation and censured for trying to expose Mike Brown’s sexual misconduct.
I request that you conduct administrative and criminal investigations into Mike Brown’s sexual misconduct and into any actions taken by his supervisors to cover-up his sexual misconduct and that you take appropriate action against Mike Brown and his supervisors for their misconduct.
I also request that you ask the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Department of Justice to investigate Mike Brown’s criminal and civil-rights violations and any actions taken by his supervisors to cover-up his sexual misconduct.
Unnotarized Oath
Under penalty of perjury, I swear that everything stated herein is true and correct.
Dated this 7 day of February, 2019.
Affiant: (signature appears here on original document)
Harold Hempstead, #577366,  Northeast Correctional Complex,  P.O.  Box 5000,  Mountain City, Tennessee 37683-5000
Attorney for Harold Hempstead:
John Trevena, 801 West Bay Drive, Largo,  Florida, 33770.
John Trevena
Kathryn Varn
Casey Frank
Julie Brown
Craig Patrick
Meg O-Connor
Rick Kriseman
Jeremy Schanche