Welcome to the public domain, the place where evidence hangs in space, awaiting inspection by the curious. In this blog-post I'm putting up all the most recent correspondence I've had with various people over the fate of Mousehole School. For overseas readers, people from beyond Britain's surf-splattered shores, I should explain that in my country, as elsewhere in the World, there is a battle going on over the schools. There is a move to turn public education into something different, something that allows money-interests into the educational realm in a virulent fashion, something we have not seen before. Essentially it's an attempted educational coup by blurry rightist forces who control the minds of the masses through fear, you know the kind of thing.....
The earlier correspondence can be found here:
There might be the odd letter or document in here that has nothing to do with the Mousehole case. It does not make sense to do a seperate blog-post for every single topic that comes up, so what you see is a chronological record of communications. I will soon be publishing some material on other cases, such as that of Darren Rainey and Harold Hempstead. In some ways, the more you get into politics, the more you realize the interconectedness of phenomena anyway. Today I went to the Holy Headland to deliver a note to the vicar of St.Mary's Church, Penzance. It was a request for people to pray for the Soul of Darren Rainey who was murdered by Florida prison guards. I talked to a couple of very friendly people at the church and they were happy to take the request and pass it round the local churches. They said it would be copied into two books of remembrance. I said that the law in Florida was currently defining Mr Rainey's death as an accident but that I was one of the people who considered it to be torture and murder. I said that if they had a problem with my murder accusation, they could leave that off and just have the name and dates of birth and death. They were both adamant that the murder accusation should stand, if that was the way I wanted it, so it stands. I also gave them a letter to pass on to the Reverend Sian Yates, Vicar of St.Mary's Church, Penzance, Cornwall..... This time it was another topic, but also one with a deep spiritual element - the future development of children's minds.
Message to Mousehole School Governors (MSG) 3.5.2016
There might be the odd letter or document in here that has nothing to do with the Mousehole case. It does not make sense to do a seperate blog-post for every single topic that comes up, so what you see is a chronological record of communications. I will soon be publishing some material on other cases, such as that of Darren Rainey and Harold Hempstead. In some ways, the more you get into politics, the more you realize the interconectedness of phenomena anyway. Today I went to the Holy Headland to deliver a note to the vicar of St.Mary's Church, Penzance. It was a request for people to pray for the Soul of Darren Rainey who was murdered by Florida prison guards. I talked to a couple of very friendly people at the church and they were happy to take the request and pass it round the local churches. They said it would be copied into two books of remembrance. I said that the law in Florida was currently defining Mr Rainey's death as an accident but that I was one of the people who considered it to be torture and murder. I said that if they had a problem with my murder accusation, they could leave that off and just have the name and dates of birth and death. They were both adamant that the murder accusation should stand, if that was the way I wanted it, so it stands. I also gave them a letter to pass on to the Reverend Sian Yates, Vicar of St.Mary's Church, Penzance, Cornwall..... This time it was another topic, but also one with a deep spiritual element - the future development of children's minds.
Message to Mousehole School Governors (MSG) 3.5.2016
Apparently the following article at The Cornishman's site went up on May Day, 1st May 2016 - International Workers' Day - Inaugurated in memory of the Haymarket Martyrs of Chicago, 1886. It was also the 100th anniversary of the international scattering of Joe Hill's ashes to the winds... See previous blog-post, 'Socialism - A Great British Tradition' for articles on these events...
Letter to Nigel Carter-King, Administrator, Governor, Mousehole School, 3.5.2016
Don't forget the Windy City..... http://www.ctunet.com/ Chicago Teachers' Union - Keepin' it Real.
Letter from Chris Roynon, 5.5.2016
Letter to Chris Roynon, 6.5.2016
And now for something completely different: An email to a Labour First supporter, Luke Akehurst:
From politics to religion, well, sort of: Letter to Sian Yates, Church of England Vicar, Penzance, 10.5.2016:
and finally, a letter of 10th May 2016 From Nigel Carter-King, Administrator and governor of Mousehole School, in which he sets out his answers to my questions of 3rd May, such as my request for the addresses and/or emails of all the governors (who represent me legally) and my request to be informed of which unions were represented at the school:
So basically, according to Chris and Nigel I cannot communicate to the 'governors' of my child's school directly, but have to filter all communications through themselves. An arrangement which seems to me ridiculous, paranoid, petty and un-British, but hey, what do I know about proper procedure? The reason I spend so much unpaid time recording this kind of dialogue is to show conclusively that I have done every reasonable thing in my power to open genuine channels of free communication but have been met with a brick wall of non-cooperation and evasiveness. Never mind - the case does not hinge on any of this, these letters are just so much wall-paper, decorating the stage. The real action will play out soon enough.
--------Update: 11.5.2016: Letter to Derek Thomas MP:
Jelbert - can you call your baby bro, or at least send me some contact details so as we can communicate like...
"For the more I learn,
It's the less I seem to know...."
Jelbert - can you call your baby bro, or at least send me some contact details so as we can communicate like...
"For the more I learn,
It's the less I seem to know...."
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