Monday 12 January 2009

The Limpet No.5 asks Who Owns The Cornishman?

Why a single Super-Boat for passengers & freight would be an economic disaster:

Firstly, this leviathan would be much too large to get into the dry dock - therefore Penzance's first economic blessing from the Route Partnership would be the termination of the maintainance contract for Holmans.

Secondly; because freight is needed in the Scillies constantly, regardless of season or weather, the ship must sail even when no tourists wish to travel, therefore burning vast amounts of fuel, which, apart from further poisining the air, would of course drive ticket prices up, thus losing even more passengers!

There is also the safety issue of carrying poisins and explosives on a passenger ship.

Conversely, a two-vessel system, with a fast and modern ferry, would be flexible and could react to fluctuating demand - thus saving considerable fuel costs and cutting down on cruise-time, which for most land-lubbers is seen as an advantage!

We could well end up with a ferry service even more exclusive and expensive (alot of working people in Cornwall can't even afford a trip to the Scillies as it is!) These higher costs would inevitably be passed back to ye humble poll-tax payers! Sorry, I meant Council Tax... Oh no, I s'pose now it's Super-Unitary-Council-Poll-Tax... and the only benificiaries of this monumental and tragic blunder, this collective machine-gunning of feet, would be the Route Partners themselves - The Isles of Scilly Steamship Company,The Isles of Scilly Council, Penwith District Council, Cornwall County Council, Cornwall Unitary Council, The Duchy; and our preposterous nuclear wasterels, Pirse and Helcrow. |Giving Cornish tax money to these last two financial behemoths seems somehow just plain wrong.


Don't forget: This website contains our entire gallery of posters - check in 'Older Posts' - Now is a very good time to print and display them. It's all about free speech - it's at the Heart of any real democracy.

P.S. Not only have Penwith District Council, Cornwall County Council, the Route Partnership and Mike Waters of Penzance Chamber of Commerce been stifling debate, failing to resond to legal enquiries and trying to spread a wave of economic paranoia throughout Pensance, but some thug has gone to the Holy headland and slashed and vandalized posters from not only the Save The Holy Headland Campaign, but several of the other groups who are working to stop this mad scheme and to preserve Sandy Cove and Battery Rocks and the medieval harbour itself. Some people seem to get annoyed by Freedom of Speech - perhaps they should move to China.

Penzance has an incredible history. Our town started as a sheltered cove with a rock-hewn Chapel on a granite headland - thus providing a Haven for boats and a Haven for Souls. When Cornwall was a Nation with a Language and a King, this very place was Blessed, Sanctified and Dedicated to the Light of the Truth.

Due to the instability of the current Human situation, with war, economic collapse, increasing gun-play, knivings and repression; with politicians chipping away at our basic Freedoms - we are at a historic crossroads. It's up to you to choose the kind of Culture you want. If you do nothing, but only complain, well... nothing changes, does it? As I write these words, SANDY COVE EXISTS. Our descendents will surely despise us if we let it be wiped out.


Over to you...

No Little Town of like account on this side nor beyond the Mount....

Sawya Pen Sans!

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