The true life-story of PRESIDENT CHIMP is out now, on Smashwords, Apple and many other outlets.
The Leader Speaks:

OK. Alright. Let’s see. Yes. Good people. Great team! Never trust those lying enemies of the people, the so-called FAKE NEWS journalists, terrible people, terrible people. Really bad people. Rubber bullets for them! Tear-gas for them, I say! Really terrible people these fake-news media. That’s why I always use Twitter and you can now follow me: @realDonaldChimp – that’s right ‘cause I am the one and only real Donald Chimp – GOT ME?
The Leader Speaks:
OK. Alright. Let’s see. Yes. Good people. Great team! Never trust those lying enemies of the people, the so-called FAKE NEWS journalists, terrible people, terrible people. Really bad people. Rubber bullets for them! Tear-gas for them, I say! Really terrible people these fake-news media. That’s why I always use Twitter and you can now follow me: @realDonaldChimp – that’s right ‘cause I am the one and only real Donald Chimp – GOT ME?
OK hom saps, now lis’en up, ok? Don’t trust those lying liberal sewers – I’m talking about The Akron Klaxon. I’m talking about The Buffalo Bugle. You know who you are. You know who you are, The Limpet, Pravda and The New York Times. Enemies of the people. So follow Real Donald Chimp if you wanna get the latest Presidential news straight from the Chimp’s mouth. Got me? OK.
Ananuddating. You better tell all your so-called liberal friends to start following me on Twitter too, got me? A-HOO-ha HOO-ha HOO-ha ha ha ha!

Yeah well I ain’t got time to sit around here listening to you liberal, soft-on-crime, unpatriotic losers anymore so just do what I say and I’ll keep the dogs on the leash – for now – you bunch of whining, left-leaning intellectuals!

Alright now let’s get on with ignoring this so-called ‘fake-virus’ which has hardly killed any Americans at all and get this stinking capitalist-pig-circus back on the road – shall we? Goddam your ass!
Yeah well I ain’t got time to sit around here listening to you liberal, soft-on-crime, unpatriotic losers anymore so just do what I say and I’ll keep the dogs on the leash – for now – you bunch of whining, left-leaning intellectuals!
Alright now let’s get on with ignoring this so-called ‘fake-virus’ which has hardly killed any Americans at all and get this stinking capitalist-pig-circus back on the road – shall we? Goddam your ass!
His Latest Tweet: