Sunday, 13 May 2018

Saturday, 12 May 2018

So There I Was Going Down The Road When All Of A Sudden

Nature never went away - we did -  Now it-s good to step back -  step back into nature -  It never went away -  You did -  your foreparents did -  your fake-culture did -  nature never did -  still here -  

Still dropping leaves in the forest and raindrops in the sea -  Still unfolding the fern and shining the eye of the seer -  Still mossing the wood and lichening the stone -  Still stronging the bone and redding the blood - still coursing in the loins of lions - the heart - the brain -  bringing the rain - bringing the surge -  


Friday, 4 May 2018

Fresh Breeze Breathes Leaves and Flows

Fresh breeze breathes leaves and flows - rustles greens and goes - something moving in the trees - something moving in the night - consciousness flickering to and fro - just the prana-wind that does blow - 
If I-s a lizard in the spring I-d hear the cuckoo sing -