Sunday, 29 December 2013
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Taser International: WE WILL EXTERMINATE YOU
In this issue of The Limpet:
Taser International: We Will Exterminate You.''
Thousands of Mexicans honk their car-horns at the U.S. border after taser brutality. Aborigine taser-riot. Taser-grenades being tested in Afghanistan. Was mistaken-identity a factor in Jordan Begley's taser-death? The curious case of 'The Stepford Four'.
The Limpet is the journal of the RESIST CARDIAC ARREST Campaign - A Direct Current Of Resistance To Electro-Coercion.
Manchester, Britain.
Britain: Pain-Compliance:
The Stepford Four:
The Stepford Four and the police murder of Jean Charles de Menezes:
Tags: Taser exterminate,RESIST CARDIAC ARREST,Jordan Begley,The Stepford Four,taser x-26,tasers kill,Taser Lethal Weapon,Taser Deaths,Picana Electrica,Scottsdale Arizona,Penwith Radio,UNCAT 27 November 2007,Taser defined as Torture Instrument,
Monday, 28 October 2013
Brit Gov: Taser Lethal Weapon
In a surprising admission,
Damian Green MP, the British Government’s Minister for Policing &
Criminal Justice unequivocally admitted that ‘Tasers’ kill. In response to
a letter from the RESIST CARDIAC ARREST Campaign, Mr Green said: “Mr Schanche
is correct to refer to Taser as a lethal weapon.”
October 2013: Taser
Fatalities USA:
Fernando Gomez/Mercedes
Monday, 16 September 2013
FRACTIVISM momentary discomfort only
Limpet’s monthly look at the World and its troubles. A world
in which tap-water burns and peace-keepers attack the peaceful protectors of our
natural resources. Corrupt council’s
plans to bury beaches under boulders are rejected by the government and
thug-cops kill teenaged artists in the street.
Dissent and protest are stifled by governments and their praetorian
guards. 120 Tibetans burn themselves to
death whilst the World is fed a diet of ‘celebrities’, sports and
techno-gadgets. At least Penzance still has its beach, and that's what gave birth to The Limpet in the first place....
{To read The Limpet in comfort,
click on each page, then right-click, open in a new tab and click to magnify –
or simply print it out like a conventional newspaper – happy reading!}
Spread the Word – Print and distribute:
tap-water, the result of hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking’:
“Some momentary discomfort” as police frack fractivists in the neck:
of Triple Towers, NYC: 11.9.01:
to protect Cornish Badgers:
Note: There are other worthwhile petitions to be
found at this site….
British Heart Foundation:
OOOhh-Aaaarrr! It’s Cattle-Prod-Cornwall! A recent survey by the
Grudniad newspaper looked into the phenomenon of electro-torture by state-agents
or police taser-usage, as the liberals prefer to call it. As most of you probably know by now, a
stun-gun can be used in two ways – either as a harpoon, when the barbs are
fired into the victim or ‘force-recipient’ in newspeak; or as a cattle-prod, when
the weapon is applied directly to the person.
It is significant that the top three police-forces (sorry- “Services”)
in the ‘Drive-Stun-Charts’ are all rural, rustic forces: Wiltshire;
Norfolk and Devon & Cornwall Constabulary. Perhaps these cops are all ex-farm boys, used
to rounding up their cows with electric cattle-prods… In Devon & Cornwall, over 10% of ALL
taser “usage” has been in “Stun-Drive” or “Cattle-Prod Mode”. Yeehaa cowboy!
Save Bengal Tigers from Electrocution
G20: Unite for Tibet:
And finally, a scientific graph demonstrating the complex relationship between government and the People:
Monday, 19 August 2013
Take out some advertising space in The Limpet, it works for
leading brands like Sainsburys, Taser International and the Penzance Chamber of
the Word:
copy this image:
Israel Hernandez-Llach, ‘Reefa’,
18 year-old artist tasered to death by laughing Miami cops.
Hackney Liberal Democrat councilors make strong objection to taser - take note, Andrew George MP:
San Francisco says NO:
Taser-barb penetrates Skull and Brain:
Emergency Medicine Journal article on effects of electricity
on Human Body. (From the summary:
It is worth remembering that the Advanced Taser is to be used only
as an alternative to firearms and any
outcome measures should be considered in this context.):
U.S. Military Police using tasers
on Iraqi prisoners of war: This document states that taser-use is second in the “continuum
of force”, after verbal commands. This
means that if you do not comply instantly with the U.S. military, you are
electrocuted: Pain-Compliance, or
Electro-Coercion in action:
An example of the Taser
International Company corrupting the medical profession:
Taser-Barb Ingestion – for
USD31.50 you can read of this fascinating case!
San Fransisco Bay Area Regional Transport cops:
"There were also concerns over the fact that
the target was a minor and that the officer deploying the Taser was a
BART police officer who improperly fired the Taser is still on duty and has not
been disciplined as the internal investigation into the incident continues."
“The Adelaide case occurred too late to be included in a secret
analysis by The Alfred hospital on Taser safety carried out for Victoria
Police, which began using the stun guns operationally in November. The
Age revealed on
Monday that The Alfred analysis warned that Tasers posed "immediate risks
and potentially fatal dangers"
"But in
Montpelier, the City Council rejected a request from the Montpelier police
chief and the city manager for permission to deploy tasers. After examining
tasers at length, a citizen committee recommended against the weapons, deeming
them unnecessary and potentially dangerous."
- See more at:
200 Children tasered by
Britpol, 6 drive-stunned (cattle-prod
mode) (Probably at least twice that, as
around half of Britain’s constabularies (including Devon & Cornwall) failed
to respond to Freedom of Information Requests:
(The Daily Mail is a disreputable right-wing rag, however, it is worth
noting what the police told them about using stun-guns on children.)
“A total of 27 forces provided responses on the
use of Tasers against children during 2010, 2011 and 2012. But the true figure
of Taser use on young children is likely to be much higher.”
Police brutality / Blackshirt gassings in the streets of Britain:
Non-Human Police Brutality:
Damian Green Pro-Drone surprise:
Human Rights Situation in
The American Indian Movement:
As Corwnall’s Corrupt Council
sells out to Big-Business, a vast new Sainsburys supermarket is appearing on
the outskirts of Penzance, lurking like an ogre at the edge of town, waiting to
take everybody’s money before they even
get to the town. This is very bad
news for the small shops and traders of Penzance, but there is a way you can
fight back against the arrogant march of virulent capitalism – follow the links
below and take the pledge:
Andrew Pimlott,
Brian Loan,
Dale Burns,
Israel Hernandez-Llach,
Jordan Begley,
Kelly Thomas,
Philip Hulmes,
resist cardiac arrest,
taser barb brain-penetration,
Thitima Khongnun,
Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Jordan Begley & Damian Green
Look! A baby is born. He grows up to design weapons. Another
one grows up to work in a stun-gun factory – it’s darn good money! This boy is destined to be Conservative Minister of Justice,
and this one works in an ice-cream factory. One boy grows up and runs around town with
his gun, he’s become a policeman. One
boy is freaking out at home, making a scene.
The other boys come in to the house and kill him with a cattle-prod –
all perfectly fair, legal, proper, proportionate, reasonable, lawful, and British.
Meanwhile, in Scottsdale, Arizona, the boys
are getting rich. These tasers are selling
like hot-cakes. Why, they’re the best
thing since the GUN itself was created.
Why look, if you get out of order on the streets, we’ll bring you a God-damn heart-attack!
Phil Ochs: Love me, I’m a Liberal.....
Moberly MO. T.A.S.E.R. Victim Memorial
How to shoot an unarmed man in the
Get the Bigger Picture:
UNCAT info:
Infiltrate The Village Green Preservation Society:
horror…….. the horror…….
Monday, 3 June 2013
Andrew George Andrew Pimlott UNCAT Article 22
MP challenged over UNCAT.
Will Andrew George commit to supporting Article 22 and making the
Convention Against Torture applicable to Britain? Why did thatcher sign UNCAT in ’85 if she did
not want it implemented? Why has no
government since ’85 brought the Convention into effect by signing Article
22? Simply because Tory & New Labour
governments do not want the behavior of state agents subject to the scrutiny of
the International Community and International Law. These governments want to present a façade of
decency, legality and international approval for their ‘values’, but in
reality, they made sure that the U.N. could not come nosing around
investigating any allegations of torture, cruelty, or inhumane treatment in
Britain. The challenge has been put to
MP Andrew George to use his influence to do something about it. His Liberal Democrat party is currently
governing Britain in a coalition with the Tory Party (!) so he’s in an
excellent position to take action and stand up for Human Rights for one and
all. Andrew George’s response will be
published in ‘The Limpet’ in due course.
Petition against taser:
Open Letter To:
Rt.Hon.Andrew George, Member of Parliament for St.Ives & Scilly. 22.5.’13
Dear Andrew,
To recap, I have written to you numerous times
on the subject of stun guns (tasers).
Although the
United Nations, the former British Government, the Green Party, Mebyon Kernow,
Amnesty International, and a host of Human Rights groups have ruled the use of
taser to comprise an illegal act of torture – you have repeatedly declined to
state whether you believe the taser to be legal or illegal. Since the UNCAT views taser use as torture, I
will use their terminology from now on.
I’m sure you will have heard that Andrew Pimlott, a 32 year old man
from Plymouth burnt to death in April
2013 having been taser-tortured by Devon & Cornwall police whilst soaked in
fuel and holding a naked flame and a fuel can.
This in spite of ACPO Ltd.
guidelines warning about using these weapons around gas fumes or
I had corresponded
with the previous Chief Constable, Stephen Otter, pointing out to him that taser
violates both UNCAT and UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights.) His basic response was that a challenge to
the legal status of taser could only come from “ministerial level”. However, if you, as my official representative, would not even state your position on the
legality of tasers, how could I possibly
open democratic channels to initiate a
dialogue? Standard letters from the
Home Office, promoting the idea that taser is safe and legal are of no
relevance and do not constitute dialogue as they do not engage with the
questions asked.
When Stefan Naumczyk threw a bottle in a Falmouth street, he was
tasered, handcuffed, knelt on and tasered again – on camera, in front of a
large crowd. When Penzance police
refused to record a complaint of torture, I approached the UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights, in Geneva. They told
me something very interesting. They
told me that they could not look into the complaint because although Thatcher
signed the UNCAT in 1985, she did not sign Article (catch?) 22. As I expect you knew, Article 22 provides a
mechanism for the implementation of
the UNCAT. Until Article 22 is signed,
the Convention quite simply can not be
put into practice in this country. Therefore,
for a nation to sign the UNCAT, but not sign up to Article 22 is a very cynical
and deceptive thing to do, as it gives the impression
at home and abroad, of Britain being a champion of Human Rights and Freedom,
whilst actually giving itself license for sordid and secretive acts of
barbarity and callousness.
the CAT is out of the bag now, and the public are rapidly learning the truth
about catch 22. The public are learning
that every government since ’85 has been going along with a deception, giving
the people a false idea that we were protected from inhumane, degrading, cruel
treatment, punishment and torture. The
public are also learning that Article 22
is the key to initiating the UNCAT and banning all torture instruments,
including tasers, from this nation, and
others nations. The ordinary people have
been fooled for years, because we don’t have time to comb through the small
print of international humanitarian legal agreements - we expect our
politicians to do that for us. The Tory
and New Labour parties are both guilty of failing to act on this when in
power. Don’t the Lib Dems pride
themselves on standing up for real justice?
Would it not be a wise politician who grasped this reality and became a
genuine champion of Article 22? Who
fulfilled the promise of the
Convention Against Torture, rather than going along with this 28 year old
deception, this mockery of the Rule of
summary, Andrew Pimlott is dead, the fifth taser-related death in Britain. So far 779 have died in North America and
many more around the World. Today the
police in Britain will torture 3 more people with stun guns.
I ask you as my representative to make a
strong commitment to the movement towards getting Britain to sign Article 22 of
the United Nations Convention Against Torture.
I ask you to state clearly your legal position on taser. Please take a stand, before someone else is
killed in the street by a taser.
With best wishes,
Yours sincerely, Jeremy
(Since sending the above
letter, four more people have died in USA after being struck by tasers.)
A List
of the Tasered-Dead:
nature, democracy, free speech
Monday, 6 May 2013
Believing tasers to do far more harm
than good, to kill far more people than they save and that they leave the
public wide open to abuse and unjust suffering, we call for an end to the use
of these weapons. As the vast majority
of people killed by tasers were unarmed and alone, we say ‘No more deaths’, ban
the taser now. Before another pregnant
woman, another blind man, handcuffed youth, or unarmed teenager is dropped to
the concrete by 50,000 volts of electricity surging through their body, before
another young life is cold in the grave, we say ban this sinister new weapon
that has no legitimate place in a civilized society.
Sometimes people get the idea that to be anti-taser, you have to be anti-police. This is an absurd assumption to make. We realize the police have to deal with extremely dangerous situations and people, but we Brits have always prided ourselves on our unarmed police, and see the cattle-prod as an insult to our Human dignity. Whilst the police need to protect themselves when dealing with violent people, there are many more safe and humane technologies available, such as nets, or even tranquilizer darts. The taser has already done a great deal to harm the image of the police and this will take time to remedy. The taser will inevitably disappear soon, as the reality of its consequences rapidly overtakes the myth of its safety and effectiveness. Until that time, we ask you to remember the many people who have been killed by tasers and to protect the living by signing the Abolish Taser Petition.

Sometimes people get the idea that to be anti-taser, you have to be anti-police. This is an absurd assumption to make. We realize the police have to deal with extremely dangerous situations and people, but we Brits have always prided ourselves on our unarmed police, and see the cattle-prod as an insult to our Human dignity. Whilst the police need to protect themselves when dealing with violent people, there are many more safe and humane technologies available, such as nets, or even tranquilizer darts. The taser has already done a great deal to harm the image of the police and this will take time to remedy. The taser will inevitably disappear soon, as the reality of its consequences rapidly overtakes the myth of its safety and effectiveness. Until that time, we ask you to remember the many people who have been killed by tasers and to protect the living by signing the Abolish Taser Petition.
Please print out some flyers, cut them up and distribute
them…. Thanks!
Sign Petition Here:
Moberly, Missouri T.A.S.E.R. Victim Memorial
British Heart Foundation:
effects of Electricity:
A list of the Tasered-Dead….
Taser Safety
RESIST CARDIAC ARREST – The Limpet No.53: A selection of taser videos, an in-depth
investigation into the whole subject of tasers, a letter to Parliament &
the launch of a public safety campaign:
Text of the United Nations Convention Against
George is MP for West
Cornwall, NOT Plymouth, where Andrew Pimlott died following the incident
involving a police taser and inflammable fuel.
However, I have asked Mr George to take action on tasers many times in
the past. Please consider e-mailing or
writing to your local MP and telling them your views on tasers.
not consider writing to your political
representatives about tasers. Has your government signed Article 22 of the
UNCAT? Without it you have no legal
protection against torture – with it you have a legal basis on which to
challenge taser.
Contact details for Attorney General:
Association of Chief Police Officers:
More information on
If you check through the ‘Blog Archive’ at the top of the
page, you can find numerous other articles concerning the work of RESIST
CARDIAC ARREST and the campaign against stun guns…
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